
Experience a new connection with classical music through my unique “Performance - Recital”

How does a certain materiality translate through sound?

Why do certain memories return permanently throughout our live?

At what instant does a sound really disappear?

Was the first note already present in space before the appearing sound?

What generates the resonance and vibrations of music for you?"

Katinka v. Richter asks sensual and philosophical questions, to composers of the last centuries, to the public, to music and to oneself as performer and artist. What are we searching for in art? What is the essence of music?

Sometimes through words, sometimes via pantomime, installations of the concert hall, projection of video clips created for the musical programme and other forms of staging the recital, her creation of Performance - Recitals surprises, but is always originating from the selected masterpieces.

The existential purpose of her research in its global context is to touch the essence of the works, as a truth behind things to communicate it and pass it on to her audience, in a way trying to transform the classical recital into a holistic experience.

“Instant Piano Paris”- creating the first video clips for classical music

The series “Instant Piano Paris” is my own creation of short video clips created specifically for each chosen music piece. Classical music is an abstract matter, and any attempt to explain or add content through programming would go against its nature. It is a very delicate and challenging task to find a way of framing the music through images without distracting from it.

In my conviction, the only art form that does not overshadow is performance art, being of an ephemere and conceptual character. It does not impose a message but opens architectural spaces and repetitive elements that accompany the musical structure. Playing the piano is a physical experience for the human body, similar to performance art, where it becomes simultaneously subject and object. Representing the physical process in a paradoxical way allows to find the most abstract expression through which we can enter into the philosophical act of creating music.

My creation raises the question of whether a piano concert can be considered an art performance in today’s context. How can we integrate music with other forms of art while preserving its essence and avoiding arbitrariness? If our perception opens up to a new, holistic experience that allows us to receive music more intensively and deeply, classical music will ultimately find its place in contemporary contexts.

Find a selection of my performances and video clips on my YouTubeChannel.