Live Stream Concerts

A concert is an experience where the audience and the artist meet in a concert hall to find a moment of mutual contact and stimulation, a fulfillment and connection that only music can provide.

It is also a way of constantly awakening and living our European culture with the works of the great masters of the last centuries. It is a precious ritual that we are repeating and celebrating for a long time.

We need music and music needs us in order to be listened to “live”, in order to establish this essential connection between audience and an artist. It is the magic of the instant of creation, the simultaneous secret of the impermanence of sounds that only exist for a brief moment.

Having music accessible at all times is a very different way of listening a life experience in a concert:

the ritual of opening up for music and sensual awareness of perception; a guide that takes us spiritually out of reality and leads us into the world of music, far from the everyday, in order to bring us back to ourselves. And to create this special happening, we need a moment in which we all come together live or in live-stream .

Someone will be listening in their armchair, someone will be lying in their bathtub. Happily there is space AND time. So we can be present in the same moment to share this magic together.