“transforming pianist into sculpture” & Claude Debussy

Instant Piano Paris presents a series of short movies of performances by Katinka von Richter , published on YouTube.

The latest chapter is out:

The concert pianist and performance - artist Katinka von Richter confronts classical music with comtemporary arts. In collaboration with the great artist R.B. originates a short movie on a live Performance, that has been planned for years and will be carried out eventually to be shown live in the future in museums and galleries. The abstract matter of music gets transfered into the matter of visual arts. As similar modellising clay is to texturing sound, it is not just about translating musical parameters and the work of its interpretator, but creating within the performance itself a symbiotic connection between the arts in giving birth to a holistic new form of performance - arts. On different meta-levels the two women challenge the spectator in their perception. Questioning if one can leave expected roles in society or respectively arts can leave their expected genre to melt within each other. In this effect R.B. shaping a sculpture on the body of the pianist Katinka von Richter freezes and eternalizes classical music into present-days. In an era of mutual transformation characterized by the unique intensity of feeling the others expression, the two artists extend their own spaces into a superior one. The final position of the sculpture closes a circle with upturned open arms facing the sky: typical signature of Katinka von Richters Performances. Finally the voluptous, impressionistic music of Claude Debussy´s Préludes as the core of this performance is underlined by the density and passionate abundance of Katinka von Richters piano playing.


Introducing "Instant Piano Paris" - my own movies


why classical music mattters