cultural roots and humanity

It seems there was a long journey we went through to find us where we are: completely lost and separated from our values, cultural roots and humanity.

It is the epoch of total confusion that is darkening, if not destroying our perception and our minds.

Trying to defend and justify my profession to society for years, suddenly I feel doing the only possible thing to do, that gives a small chance to people to survive mentally and emotionally as a whole person, while reconnecting with our own nature and reawakening individuality.

After all how is it possible to not fight as an artist in a world that tries to kill every colour, every nuance of breath and every idea that might not fit in.

It is our job to not fit in, in order to show that there are countless different possible ways of thinking, experiencing, living, feeling. and being. Music is the essence of freedom, it can not exist in a world of arbitrariness.

Even if the last consequence will be the honour to bury classical music, we need to accompany it with dignity towards the graveyard to prove our reverence and faithfulness.


why classical music mattters